Monday, March 3, 2008


So, here they are. The backgrounds include a spell book, a cauldron, a broom, and a potion bottle. I just realized that I actually forgot I had done the castle one of these is weak, lemme know if you think the castle tower was better. Maybe use the castle for the title card??
I'm not crazy over the broom background...
The little guy on the right is the set icon :)
Reverse side will be coming soon... Once again, feedback is GREATLY appreciated, as well as suggestions (especially for the title postcard!)
PS- I realize that the back foot on Enlarge is not filled with white...copy error ^_^


Dark Ruler said...

I like your postcards, but i think the broom background isn't as relevant as the rest. The other backgrounds almost tell a story about how the character did the acts. The broom doesn't connect. But as far as the rest and the design go, they look really good.

Rebecca M said...

Yeah I see what you thought process was that like the bowling ball, the broom is being held up by magic? I dunno haha...perhaps a stretch. Thanks for the comments!! :)

Loc Lam said...

These are awesome. I really like the background and the broom is fine to me. For the theme icon, I would have the little due raise his hand with the wand like, "Woosh, I'm gonna blast you with this!" instead of the current "Ooo it's a wand." look :D